"Afternoon Tea" Youth & Childrens' Leaders Resource Fair
22nd September 2018

Saturday 22nd September saw another new initiative in the Armagh Diocese.
Over 40 leaders attended a Resource Fair which was held in St Mark's Crozier Hall, Armagh.
The event was organised and facilitated by David Brown (Youth and Children's Development Officer)

Revd Malcolm Kingston welcomed everyone to St Marks Armagh,
before Archbishop Richard expressed his gratitude to all of our youth and childrens' leaders
for the immense work they do week by week in our parishes and local communities.

The Archbishop quoted some sad statistics indicating that so many youth people are unhappy
with their lives and their circumstances. We have the opportunity as church youth leaders to show them that they are loved, they are safe and secure and that they can be part of a community that welcomes and accepts them.


A large number of exhibitors were present who were able to provide information and advice to our leaders on specific resources and programmes they could use with their children and young people.
The exhibitors each gave a quick two minute "pitch" on what was available, before everyone moved to circulating informally among the stalls and stands, chatting with the exhibitors and each other.

Finally there was the opportunity to participate in 2 different seminars before a final wrap up and feedback session.
It was great to hear so many people voice their opinion that the event had been really useful and was a great way to get people together to share ideas and encourage one another.